Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Global Garbage

You better get a bottle of aspirin out today while treading my E mail. I am going to write about those two subjects I love to pontificate about (too much). Yep! Today is Global Warming and Cell Phone comment day.
Well, it's not my fault that I won't shut up about those two issues. You see, the recent IPCC report on Global Warming by over 2000 "experts and scientists from 113 countries" (Uh, actually politically appointed scientists who all had a pro global warming bent documented before receiving their appointments to the IPCC committee) was the most un scientific, pro global warming agenda yet released. It "warms" my temper that people will be propagandized by this scare tactic.
Blaming humans for this warming cycle is totally bogus. The planets temperature always rises after an ice age as it has done over hundreds of thousands of years. If anything, the current temperature rise from the last ice age is actually slower than previous such periods. Looking at the long term ice core temperatures for the last 800,000 years proves that.
It is quite possible that the current temperature rise may be higher than past peak periods because some human influence, however, this type of cycle is a natural event that occurs whether humans are here or not. Actually, the decline in temperatures that occur after the peak, leading to a new ice age, are much more worrisome. We can survive higher temperatures, but another ice age would make our current civilization extinct. Instead, maybe those global warmers should try to scare us more about global cooling????
But the IPCC report you heard about is not the one originally written by the scientists. Incredibly, after the staff of the IPCC received the report from the scientists, sections that cast doubts on permanent global warming were drastically altered (in violation of IPCC's own rules). All statements indicating the uncertainty about the type and cause of global climate change were removed.
These alterations are not small cosmetic changes. They radically change the conclusions of the report so they report fits the agenda of global warming advocates. Deletions include hard statements made by the scientists that, "None of the studies cited above has shown clear evidence that we can attribute the observed of the climate change observed to date to anthropogenic (man-made) cause.
"Such deletions are designed to create a deception to promote the global warming agenda. In that way the public will be more easily convinced to make huge sacrifices for politicians, businesses and other parties who benefit from a global warming hysteria who want to "save the planet" and line their pockets at the same time.
Even a past president of the National Academy of Sciences and the American Physical Society blasted the IPCC staff, "Whatever the intent was of those who made these significant changes, their effect is to deceive policy makers and the public into believing that the scientific evidence shows human activities are causing global warming".
Stay turned for the scientific version of the IPCC report, which is supposed to be issued within the next 8 months (I think). In that one, pure science will be used, not political agendas. I doubt there will be any scientific proof of the doom and gloom that global warmers want you and I to believe, because there is no evidence available to support it. It will say what we should be told. There is no evidence that a permanent global warming is occurring.
So the IPCC political statement on global warming will be cooled down considerably when the scientists admit that the global warming theory is just that- a guess that our temporary warming in un natural and permanent. I don't know about you, but I prefer evidence to guesses when it comes to science.
Now that your blood is boiling over my heretical view that the global warming phase is just the normal one, I want to relate a story that indicates there are people even more crazy than I about hating rude cell phone users. You see, in Peoria, Illinois the other day, police asked citizens for help in finding a motorist who intentionally rammed another vehicle and pushed it into oncoming traffic because the driver was using his cell phone.
Haha I swear that wasn't me. The incident occurred while the victim was driving west and chattering as they all seem to do on a cell phone. Suddenly, the unidentified man in another vehicle began yelling at him to hang up. The two men argued and cursed at one another as they continued driving, "The suspect reacted by intentionally steering his vehicle across the traffic lanes striking the victim's white Chevrolet pickup truck and forcing him across the raised median and into oncoming traffic, narrowly missing two eastbound vehicles," police said.
The suspected cell hater then got on southbound expressway and fled, said. No, I don't support that crazy extremism in taming cell rudeness. But I admit to smiling a little more today after reading about it

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