Tuesday, June 23, 2009

U.S. Following And Leading

I like living in the United States and think that there is still greater opportunity for more people here than any other country on earth. Having said that as a caveat, now I want to give you some of the statistical bets and worst of the U.S. That is, in what areas is the U.S ranked first in the world and in what areas is it ranked last. This info came from the "list guy", David Wallechinsky, a compiler of lists that have appeared in popular books ("The Book of Lists" is one in the series) since the early 70's.
Here we go with the rankings of some of our best and worst statistics as of 2007. Remember, the U.S makes up just 5% of the world population. The U.S leads the world In:
1) Internet users- We have 205,327,000 on line (Probably all of them make more sense than me)
2) Billionaires- 371 in the U.S (If I tell you that I am not one of them will you love me anyway?) 3) Nobel-Prize-winners- 296, by far the most (See, our educational system is not a s bad as critics claim)
4) Olympic Medals and Gold Olympic Medals- In the 2004 games we had 102 medals an 36 gold ones (I put this in for the sport in you.)
5) Roads- We have 3.98 million miles of them (and all of them in my state have pot holes)
6) Airports- With 14, 858 airports no other country is even close (But Bush still makes me wait in phony security check lines for hours at each of them)
7) Railway Lines- We have an astounding 140,805 miles of rail lines (But the worst rail passenger transport I have seen. No wonder everyone here flies)
8) Economy- We lead in exports in numerous areas and have the world's biggest GNP, at $13.3 trillion (WE also have the world's greatest personal and national debt)
9) Patents Of New Workable Products and Inventions- It's not even close. We produce over 40% of all new ones ( The why do the Japanese take our ideas and make them better?) 10) Prisoners- With 2.2 million people in jail we are number one (Then why is crime so bad? Maybe we need to add some of our politicians to the 2.2 million in jail)
Now for some of the areas we the U.S. lags behind other countries:
1) Doctors- There are 43 countries with more doctors per capita (And even though ours are the best in the world, they are also the most expensive when treating)
2) Male Life Expectancy- Residents of 27 countries live longer than U.S. males (I think I am feeling ill)
3) Murders- We have the 15th highest murder rate (Must be all those guns that anyone can buy here).
4) Voting- Of eligible U.S. citizens who vote, the U.S ranks 139th out of 172 in exercising the vote at election time (But who wants to vote for Bush?)
5) Imports- We lead the world in imports from other countries (Thanks, China!)
6) Unemployment- Our unemployment rate is higher than 38 other nations (But the illegal immigrants keep pouring in to the U.S by the millions "for work")
7) Rape- Only South Africa and Canada have higher rape rates per capita (Strange? I haven't a clue...unless women report rapes here so much, unlike in most other countries)
Ok...enough of this. I suppose statistics do lie sometimes, and at the least are misleading. But what do you think about all of this?

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