Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Cell Phone Driving Ban Unenforceable

Cover at least on eye because today I am going to write again about what I hate most- cell phones. It's prompted because my state of Louisiana, one of 22 out of 50 states that still allow people to talk with one hand on the phone and drive with the other on the wheel of the car, is poo pooing the idea of banning them.
Well, I know the lawyers, doctors and other influential cell addicts in the legislature will never ban them, never impose a law that will inconvenience them self, even if it will save lives. But my gander was raised when I read in my newspaper that the state's chief highway director, Jim Champagne, was quoted today as saying that we do indeed need to ban cell driving. But" we probably won't because I think it is unenforceable. I don't think you can legislate common sense".
Ha! It is already enforced both in the U.S. and in other countries when police have the will to do so and penalties are high enough to make cell driving less appealing. As for legislating common sense, isn't that what most laws are about? It is common sense not to murder, steal, vandalize etc... And those common sense things need legislation. People do the wrong things whether or not what they do is a matter of common sense.
Statistics show that he risk of a crash nearly triples when a driver uses a cell phone while driving his or her automobile. At last count 2, 200 Louisiana citizens were seriously injured and seven dead in cell accidents this year. If there is a Hell where dead cell drivers go after they pass on crushed under the wheels of their demolished cars, I do hope Satan bans their cell phones...as a matter of "common sense". Just think, a cell driver without his her phone. Now that is the worst imaginable Hell for the cell driver. From the "Weird Lawsuit" department comes word that in Karlsruhe, Germany a court has ordered a gynecologist to pay child support of $769 a month for up to 18 years as compensation for improperly implanting a contraceptive advice.
Yep! You guessed it. The woman with the bad implant had a baby and sued on the grounds that the device, which is supposed to keep a woman from becoming pregnant for three years, did not stop the lady from getting pregnant 1 1/2 years after the implant. When her body was checked for the implant it was gone, bringing about the assumption that the implant had been done incorrectly.
So the doctor was held liable just as a mechanic is when he fails to fix a car transmission or alternator. Because the woman and her boyfriend (now separated) did not want he baby. The "mistake" baby was, according to the court, the fault of the doctor.
Hehe No truth to the rumor Gynecologists everywhere are said to be looking t for jobs in the less liable field of auto mechanics.

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