Monday, June 22, 2009

I Come Not To Bury, But....

Here I am with my usual dose of stupidity. It's going to be extra stupid today because I have been thinking too much again. This time I was curious about social changes, and the curiosity led to what you will read about shortly. The jabbering cell phone addicts made me pause yesterday and think of some of the big social changes that have mattered in recent years.
There's the single parent situation, where in some countries more babies are born to single moms than to married ones. Then there is the rise today of the tattoo from the status of deviancy to normality. Or the premature end of childhood for most kids today, as the teenage years keep getting pushed back to pre teen ages and end by 16 or 17.
But wait! The one that made me stop and reflect is the changes in funerals here in the U.S. (I don't know if it is the same elsewhere). What has happened to funerals is that they are no longer the traditional casket, church service and burial. Funeral options today are so numerous that the traditional funeral is becoming obsolete. And many people ar not having the traditional funeral/burial.
But I am not sure that is a bad thing. Funerals are wasteful, melodramatic and rather than offering the survivors an opportunity for quick closure at the loss of a loved one, funeral services tend to prolong the loss and the grieving. Does anyone really care how they are buried? I just want to be interred in the same mausoleum as my parents, but as for a funeral service I think it can be skipped. Today a person has the option to be buried, cremated, have the ashes sent to space or dumped in the ocean, have a religious service, a non religious service, a military or organizational service, a wake, a funeral in a church or at a residence, a memorial service, no service and quick burial, donation of the body to medical research, a Gay or Lesbian funeral....ok get the idea.
But those I just listed all still the more conventional ways to dispose of a dead body (Well, essentially, that's what a funeral and burial is about). For an example of a really weird one try the way hunter Mike Dupps, from Willow, Alaska has decided to be put to rest. Mike wants his ashes mixed into shotgun shells so he can "employ on final hunt".
Haha Mike has probably been eating too much game, but he said he got the idea after hearing about how one guy in Scotland was buried. His widow had his ashes mixed with shot and loaded into 12-gauge shells. and....I am not honor for the dead Scott his pals used those shells to shoot 70 partridges, 25 pheasants and seven ducks.
So now I ask you. What is your view of funerals? Is there a correct way to be buried or should I get some shotgun shells ready in anticipation of my own death? (I always wonder if after reading my dumb mail you want to shoot me right then!) How would you want to be buried? Have you ever thought about the subject?

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