Thursday, February 19, 2009

Zap Those Neurons

I read of an interesting research being conducted at Yale University, in New Haven Connecticut. This one involves fruit flies, lasers and maybe "overeating". Using lasers to stimulate specific brain cells that control behavior, the researchers say they are able to make the fruit flies jump, walk, flap their wings and fly (I wonder f the researchers have been watching too many bad Hollywood films).
They claim that even headless fruit flies flew when the researchers stimulated the correct fruit fly neurons, according to their study that was published in the April issue of the research journal "Cell". They claim the research can ultimately help to identify the cells associated with psychiatric disorders, over eating and aggressiveness. (but I doubt they could make my mail sensible, even with laser stimulation)
The hope is the researchers may be able to do the same things with mice, and that that will translate to human behaviors. Hmmmmmmmm I am thinking...who would I like to zap with one of those lasers. I mean besides self, of course. Who needs a good laser stimulation to behave better. How about..
1) George Bush- give him a shot to the "invasion neuron" to neutralize it so he won't invade any more nations (double dose him before elections, as he seems to have a greater desire to invade at that time).
2) Anyone who is French- zap the "I think I am superior to everyone " neuron.
3) Drew Barrymore, Brad Pitt, Harrison Ford, Julia Roberts- Quick use the laser to search for talent we have never seen on the screen.
4) Lawyers- Well, if we could stimulate them to tell the truth once in awhile...
5) Islamic terrorists- Oh., never mind. They have been brain dead for years
6) Jennifer Lopez- Uh, might we stimulate Jennifer to show a little interest in me! On that hopeful note I'll go and offer prayers to the laser Gods.

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