Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Bigger And Bigger Burgers

They must be trying to clog my arteries... I mean those fast food places. No matter. I rarely eat there. But for those who do there is a surge in high calorie, artery clogging, huge sandwich options being introduced. How about these e new offerings.
1) Monster Thickburger- This one is from hamburger seller Hardee's and it has a huge 1410 calories and 107 fat grams. Ouch! If you add an order of greasy french fries the Thickburger meal is over 200 calories, an amount to suffice for the average female adult each day.
2) Wendy's Classic Triple Burger- That's right. They are now putting three hamburgers on one bun. This one has 1000 calories and 60 grams of fat. Does anyone know a good cardiologist to unclog arteries?
3) Burger King's Enormous Omelet- This one ONLY has 760 calories (almost half a days caloric need) and 50 grams of fat and is an egg and cheese glob with a choice of either sausage or bacon and slathered on an oversized bun.
Holy Hamburger! The Big Mac, once the symbol of a to big to eat sandwich, now looks small in comparison at only 560 calories and 30 grams of fat. And there is more than obscene sized burgers, including a calorie busting dessert from Starbucks called the Chantico Drinking Chocolate. (390 calories and 21 grams of fat) Why the sudden movement into huge portion junk food?
It's probably a backlash buy Americans to the health food craze and low carb mess that we have endured for the past few years. Consumers are tired of the food police and tasteless "health food". And the fast food sellers see it. they are now catering to the notion that the consumer wants to eat healthy at home but splurge on those oversized offerings when out. The bottom line is that big sells. The patron seems less concerned with his or her big waistline and more with pushing the limit with fast food. Ugh.. don't ask me what I ate for lunch..

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