Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Reading The Cell

am long overdo to give you another of my rants against the technology I most hate- those cell phones I hate so much. Guess what Japanese cell phone users are now doing with their cell phones. My eyes hurt just thinking about it.
By the thousands they are now reading full length novels on the tiny cell screens that have addicted them. Haha Cell phone literature has arrived. This must be the end of civilzation...hide...the world will end soon. In the technology nutty nation of Japan, the cell phone has become so widespread as an entertainment and communication device that reading e-mail, news headlines and weather forecasts on their toys ( the cell phones) is now passe'.
Now the fashionable cell nut turns the pages of hundreds of novels that are being written specifically for the cell phone. Of course the cutsie cell gadgets like automatic page flipping makes it fun for the cell phone reader. In the latest versions, cell phone novels are downloaded (why can't those people just check out a book from the library?) in short installments and run on handsets.
An entire library can be tucked away in the cell nut's phone to read whenever wished. Of course, I am not opposed to the crazies reading on their phones. It is less annoying than their babbling out loud. But are they reading their phones when driving in traffic? Cell readers claim the phones make reading more "intimate", especially when reading a thriller or horror story. But users can search by author, title and genre, and readers can write reviews of what they read, send fan mail to authors and request what they want to read- all from their phones.
And cell readers give unknown writers a venue, can be great for reading that sexy book you don't want to carry in hand, and provide some interactive opportunities. Sigh.... I just hope someone will write a cell book that those cell nuts really need- The book of cell etiquette.

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