Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Religious Intolerance

Religious intolerance worries me. We see how bad it impacted in the the Islamic world, how hateful and antagonistic some Islamic groups are. In my own country I also notice a greater intolerance by right-wing Christian sects, whether that is a reaction to Muslim hatred for non Muslims or something that has come about on it's own, it has already impacted the U.S. greatly, particularly with the George Bush admisnistartions.
It is partly because of the intolerant Christian groups vote for him that Bush was elected twice. A recent provocation is the alleged disparaging of the Muslim Koran in Iraq. It appears that some American soldiers expressed their hate for Islam by showing disrespect for the Koran.
In reaction critics have assailed the U.S. for this behavior. Yet not one Muslim and few non Muslims ever mention their display of intolerance toward the Christian and other non Muslim religions. They call non Muslims infidels, Christianity "a dirty religion", vow to kill all disagree with Muslim interpretation of theology, kidnap and behead "infidels and on and on. Yet they are upset because some American soldiers showed disrespect, toward the Koran? I
t appears their disrespect is far greater and may be the seeds for the bad behavior toward the Koran. All of this is a reflection of the "religious wars" that have appeared throughout the globe. That single problem may transcend all others in the years ahead. For their is nothing more difficult than trying to convince one religion it must be tolerant of the others.

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