Thursday, February 19, 2009

E bay Consignment Shops

Most people have either logged on to investigate e Bay or used it to sell or buy something. It can be cumbersome and time consuming to bid on items or buy them there. Too, there is a probability that the item you buy won't be as advertised, or that the person who buys from you might just decide to call the whole thing off and not pay.
But now there is a better way for the person who wither doesn't want to spend the time and effort to list his or her item for ale on e Bay, but who thinks e Bay is a good place to sell. It's the new e Bay consignment store outlets that have changed all of that!
For Americans with jewelry, electronics, clothing, collectibles or any thing else they think has value and is no longer wanted, consignment e Bay shops have become the rage. Essentially, with the consignment shop the person with something to sell doesn't list it him or herself on e Bay. Instead it is brought to an e Bay consignment outlet and left. Then the store (C-It-Sell is one that is popular) takes over the item, researches prices of how much other similar times on E bay have sold, photographs it, catalogues it and lists it on e Bay's site.
If the item sells, they send the sell a check minus their fee, usually 35% for the first $300 and 25% of the balance of the cost cost. (There is also the e Bay fee all e Bay sellers must pay). It's great news for someone who would probably let the item stay in the garage and generate no sale. Sure, there is a cost of about 45%, but many people will never try to sell the items and they would sit unused otherwise.
Too, C-It-Sell and other e Bay consignment outlets sell about 2/3 of all items they list. Americans have a lot of excess goods lying around the house. A.C. Nielsen research says that the typical U.S. household has unused items laying around that were purchase for about $2,222 and have a current value of about $1000. Uh... most of it is useable, not Aunt Edna's old horse with the clock in it's stomach or the Napoleon Bonaparte orange juicer that shoots juice out of Napoleon's crown that Uncle Fred bought years ago. To check one of the consignment outlets, the C-Sell-It store, try

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