Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Changing U.S. Demographics

The U.S. Census bureau issued a report showing why the U.S. is becoming a Hispanic nation. Well..slowly but still transforming itself that way because of massive illegal immigration here. Hispanics now constitute well over half of the total population growth from 2007 to 2008 and one of very seven people in the U.S. is from Mexico or some other Hispanic country.
Not only that! The trend will continue because the Bush administration and Obama administartions have encouraged illegal immigration and because of a very high birth rate of Hispanic immigrants.
This is not a bad thing under normal circumstances. Immigration is what keeps the U.S. alive and growing, and many immigrants bring talent and brain power to the U.S. But in this case, the majority of the growth is in uneducated peasants who walk into the U.S. and put af drain on social services. The population growth for Asians ran second to Hispanics, but that growth is far more in legal and highly educated immigrants.
The good part of the tremendous immigration here is it infuses "new blood". "If we didn't have those elements, we would be moving into a situation like Japan and Europe, where the populations are graying in a way that is very alarming and endangering their productivity and even endangering their social security systems,"said Lewis Goodman, an expert from American University on Latin-American relations.
The population of America is changing it's graphics with Hispanics now the largest minority in the U.S. at 44 million. The black population is 39.2 million and Asian population at 14 million. In fact, the size of the hispanic population rose in nearly every state in the U.S. and the census bureau predicts that Caucasians will become a minority group to Hispanics by 2050 if current immigration continues.
The trick is to shift that Hispanic growth to more educated Hispanics and away from the illiterate immigrant peasant who is far and away the typical Hispanic immigrant. So far, few politicians are interested in seeing that happen. Too many Hispanic votes would be lost if the structure were tampered with.

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