Monday, February 16, 2009

Cell Phones For Babies

Here's the latest cell phone report. Indulge me, as you know I detest those things, yet the way so many people have become addicted to them is fascinating to observe. The next wave of cell addicts in the U.S now seems to be pre teens. Yes, I know that is already common in Asia and Europe, but it is anew generation of rudeness being born here.
While I question why someone so young might need a cell phone, many pre teens are asking their parents for the most favorite of adult toys (uh....excluding the rubber doll....) cell phones. Most of the little ones are getting their cell wish. Sadly, many parents go along with the cell phone craze for kids too young to need them because they think they can better keep in contact with their children.
It's the "I want to be able to be in touch with them in an emergency or I want them to call me when they are out" syndrome. And some parents in the U.S have been lured into giving their babies cell phones because wireless companies offer "family plans" that give them a specified number of minutes to chat with one another each month. I know of several kids in Jane's class at school who have their own cell phones.
Some of those the product of company plans for "tweens", the population of preteens as young as age 8 that some consider the next big untapped market of cell phone users. Surveys show that about 10% of tweens have their own cell phones and that the number who don't have one but want them is even much larger.
One cell company called Firefly appeals to the baby market with a tiny phone that can fit snugly in the little one's hands that has simple buttons, including ones that speed dial "mom" or "dad". I have fairly well propagandized my daughter on the "evils" of the rudeness devices and she shows no interest in abusing one.

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