Saturday, February 21, 2009

The Homeland Security Debacle

Today I want to write about a paradigm of how government scams the electorate by using fear and mirrors to garner support. Of course the Bush government did it with regularity, for it was the most manipulative and insincere U.S. administration of my lifetime. It's easy to kick them while showing how they operate. My example is what the Bush administration called "Homeland Security".
Homeland Security as a concept and as anew department in the U.S. government was created after 911 in an hysterical reaction to the terrorists event. Surely, the U.S. was lacking in security against terrorism, as all countries are. But the creation of that big spending program was not necessary. Politicians see new programs as an opportunity to win votes by giving lucrative contracts to friends and supporters at public expense.
In this Bush and company were unparalleled. In the first eyar alone nearly 5 billion dollars was been spent on screening devices to monitor U.S. ports, borders, airports, mail and air, and now the government says all the equipment is not good. Because it is unreliable (Can any government really stop all individual terrorist acts? I think not), ineffective or too expensive to operate, it wants to spend more to replace it all with what I think is more of the same.
This Homeland Security Department now says it can, for a few more billion, put a 'shield around America'. It is of course, a lie. New technology to do so does not exist and throwing more money at this project will only be an attempt to make political gain for politicans who sue the program as a scare tactic and company. Americans are falsely told they are "safer" and that if they do not support this waste, they are "un-American".
Here are some of the reasons why this spending is a waste.
1) Radiation monitors at ports and borders can not distinguish between radiation from a nuclear bomb and naturally occurring radiation (such as found in everyday items like ceramic tile).
2) It is physically and monetarily impossible to secure the huge number of ports in the U.S.
3) There are not enough air monitors in U.S. cities and there are too many cities to protect if they were effective.
4) Passenger screening at airports has proven to be no more effective than prior to 911 and it is unlikely ever going to be possible to adequately screen the huge number of air passengers, though the government still will delay us needlessly when we fly because so many people think they are safer. In the Bush world perception, not reality is 100 % of the reason to act.
5) Postal security is so bad (largely because of the difficulty of inspecting for biological agents in the mail) that only a small percentage of mail can be checked without avoiding huge delays in mail delivery that Americans will not accept.
Having written all of this, I now wait for the Homeland Security to be funded more and more money as Obama and his administration continue the shell game. The Bush Administration pretended to protect Americans and Americans pretend to be protected. It's an entitlement the Obama and other administrations to follow wil nto likely get rid of.

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