Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Diet Drink War

The diet soft drink wars are on now. I notice many changes in the battle for Coke, Pepsi and other soft drink makers to distinguish their diet soda products and to expand consumers with new drinks at lower prices.
I drink very few regular soft drinks, but do partake of diet drinks (to avoid the sugar and calories of regular ones). Now there seems to be an endless line of new, better tasting diet drinks,. Pepsi introduced a "Diet Lime Pepsi" a year or so ago and it is actually refreshing and without little "diet taste".
Coke has copied that success with a Diet Coke Lime, equal in taste to the Pepsi product. There is also a new "Coke One" diet drink that uses the more expensive artificial sweetener, Splenda. In addition many drink manufacturers are putting out new product lines and coupons for reduced prices. I have gotten several free 2 litter Diet Lime Pepsi coupons just this last week, as the soft drink companies try to get consumers to taste their new products.
Having written all of that, I ask you. Are diet drinks readily available in your grocery stores? Are they popular with consumers (It is a huge part of the soft drink market in the U.S.)? And is there a bigger, less nasty tasting selection of diet soda's to purchase in your favorite grocery store?

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