Monday, February 23, 2009

Slow Carb Diet

Want to try the latest trendy diet? You can forget the "Low carb" diet that just a year ago everyone was convinced was a divine panacea for weight loss, but is now scorned as being unhealthy and only good for short term loss. The new craze is not low carb, it's "slow carb".
It's what nutritionists call a low-glycernic-load, the key being to eat plenty of satisfying foods that can not quickly be converted into sugar. Supposedly, the slow carb diet is easier to follow because the food tastes a little better than the low carb diets provide to their followers.
So which foods can you eat in the slow carb diet I am not saying you need to lose weight....)? Here is a basic slow carb food pyramid:
- at the bottom of the pyramid ( which is the basis of the slow carb diet) are fruits and vegetables, cooked or served with "healthful oils"(I have no idea what that is, so don't ask me).
- Next comes reduced-fat dairy foods (which I think taste like water), lean meats ( Ugh...code words for dry and tough), fish, nuts and beans.
-Higher up- (these foods are meant to be eaten less often) are whole grains, unrefined grains and pastas.
-At the top of the slow carb pyramid ( meant to be eaten only infrequently) are refined grains, potatoes, and sweets (This addition could make me start this diet right now)
In the Ludwig studies comparing low carb and slow card dieters, the slow carb group consistently lost more weight and felt more satisfied with what they ate. They also were told to eat as much as they want (this diet "fills" the stomach quicker and reduces hunger pangs) and did so without weight gain.
After one year dieting, the slow carb group lost about 8% of their body weight, as opposed to a 6% loss by low carb dieters. Levels of blood fats were down 37% in the slow carb groups and only 19% in the low carb dieting group. Sounds better than the low carb foolishness, but I give this one about a year before it is replaced by the next money making trendy weight loss program.

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