Sunday, February 1, 2009

Bumper Stickers

Do you notice those peeling bumper stickers when stuck in traffic? I remember seeing a cute anti Bush bumper sticker. It said "More Trees- Less Bush". I like that kind of bumper stick and classify it as a "Funny "one, my favorite type.
Essentially, there are 3 basic categories of bumper stickers. the first, "Funny or Amusing" ones like the comment about Bush appear most often when a big issue is being debated or a controversy rages. Many political bumper stickers are of that type.
The next category of bumper sticker is the "Personal" bumper sticker. A good example of that is the ubiquitous "My Child Is an Honor Student At (followed by the name of the kid's school)". Those are annoying. I wonder how low a person's self esteem is if he or she has to brag about his child on a car bumper sticker. The personal bumper sticker is the least attractive to me because I don't think any individual who has to announce personal achievements on his car's bumper could be of any interest to me.
The third type is the "Information" bumper sticker. An Example of that one is the empty but often seen "Guns Don't kill People. People Kill People" that the gun nut crowd displays. Most informational bumper stickers are partisan and simplistic, often erroneous in their proclamation. They are annoying. I would like to shot anyone driving a car with a pro gun bumper sticker. Occasionally we have a combination of 2 or all 3 of the types. How about the "Jesus Loves" bumper sticker. I guess the driver is informing us about Jesus and proclaiming his or her personal love of Jesus. But why? If this "Jesus" the driver is talking about does love everybody what is the point of tell us?
An example of the all in one bumper sticker that covers al three might be the "I 'm Not As Think As You Drunk I Am". Haha I love that bumper combo....but I hope you're driving behind that guy instead of me.

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