Saturday, February 28, 2009

Hurricane Destruction

Ater returning home after the hurricane Katrina evacuation I live another day to write. I hope. Jane is safe in Toronto an I am here in my (damaged) home. I feel lucky to be alive and to have only property damage loses for this is analogous to a combat situation in which one's city has been bombed to ruination.
Unlike the great tsunami in S.E. Asia, there won't be the large loss of life here, as we were warned of the in coming storm and evacuated the city. But property destruction is incredible and widespread, easily the greatest single act of property loss ever. There are many homeless and unemployed now. Though New Orleans has been largely destroyed and probably forever lost it's uniqueness and greatness, some of the surrounding areas, including my suburb of Kenner, will recover largely their former status.
Others, like St. Bernard Parish were covered with 15 feet of water, all home being destroyed and covered win an oily toxic waste. They may never rebuild. Or Plaquemines Parish home to our oyster and other great seafood industry was decapitated by the winds and floods. Half of that parish is lost to the Gulf of Mexico. It no longer exists. What an ordeal it has been the past few weeks in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. I have some food and plenty of water, electricity, even some TV.
The cleanup of my home will last on through the year. And soon businesses here will re-open and life resume for most residents. I am one of about 10% of the residents in my home due to a ban on anyone entering my city that has yet to be lifted. All residents were allowed to enter my parish on September 5th, 6th and 7th, and told that we could either stay permanently or exit in 3 days and not return until several weeks later.
Because I was blessed with electricity so early, I decided to stay here, and I remain. The day before the storm hit I evacuated to central Louisiana and stayed there for 8 days. And so it goes for me and others here. Of course, I am always optimistic and eager to return to normality (Hehe Was I ever normal?) and will tell my many hurricane adventures in the days ahead as well as right my typical blogs

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