Saturday, February 28, 2009

Red Roof

The U.S. Corps of Engineers came to my home yesterday and offered to place "blue tarps" on the damaged areas of my roof. This is a free program to protect damaged homes from further rain damage that could seep through a roof which incurred problems during the hurricane. I had already gotten a roofer to put roofing paper over areas that needed coverage, but the second storm ripped off some of that.
Thus, I now have the blue roof tarp on sections of my house. One of my neighbors is an official in the Corps. It was he who arranged for the blue roof covers for my neighborhood. Too, someone mowed my lawn last week. This was a nice surprise and needed. I think a neighbor with a riding mower did it for us (my home and several adjacent ones). I have seen many kind acts occur after the storm, largely because there is a kind of brotherhood that victims of a common disaster assume. It has a way of unifying people in a struggle to overcome difficulties.
The French Quarter area of the city is back to approaching "normal". It was not flooded and now that electricity has returned, some of the bars and strip clubs are open, not for tourists, as we have none. But relief works and construction crews staying in town are beginning to reinvigorate the Quarter night life. There is even a few music clubs open now.
My city was fortunate, in that the lifeblood of it, The French Quarter, was the least damaged area. It is the highest area of the city, and has never flooded. Too bad the residential part of New Orleans has been obliterated. Disgusting hurricane aftermath note- The Bush administration is handling out billions of dollars in relief and repair contracts to companies that are political supporters Bush and his party.
Because the hurricane is a disaster event, no bid contracts are allowed, meaning Bush is rewarding his supporters with to generous contracts for their work. Often the companies chosen are incompetent, corrupt or charge excessively high rates for their work. It seems that the politicians are raping the taxpayers during a time when politics should be set aside in favor of efficiency.
You do not need to praise the net for me, I know very well its utility. During the time when I had no news from you, I connected to the Kenner site and could read the messages and see what was happening in your area.

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