Saturday, February 21, 2009

Jesus Dolls

I've heard of people who claim to personally "talk to Jesus", but now it will be possible to talk to a Jesus doll. In fact, if that's not spiritual enough you can also talk to versions of Moses, the Virgin Mary, David and George Bush.
Hehe Just kidding about Bush, though he seems to think he is divine. It's all possible because a maker of teddy bears is trying to find a new market with churches and religious families. The foot-tall Jesus doll can recite five Biblical versus when a button on his back is pushed, will Moses will tell you all ten commandments and the Virgin Mary will be..uh.. virgin like and will recite a long Biblical verse.
It's a California based company called Teddy Bear Co. that has opened a Biblical doll unit called, One2 Believe, at it's factories, a new venture for the company. Guess how they are selling the doll? If you said "The Internet" you must be blessed with wisdom, because that's the method the company feels will make it not a Holy Roller, but a company rolling in profits. "In the beginning, we don't feel it's right to put it in Toys R Us and be next to a Barbie or a Bratz doll, " said company founder David Socha.
To sell on line One2 Believe has hired a marketing firm with expertise in reaching out to churches and church schools. That should generate enough sales to meet the expectations of the company. it says this year it will sell about 50,000 Biblical dolls (Jesus is suppose to be the biggest seller) at a cost of $24.99.
Given Jesus' attitude toward money changers and his preaching for the meek to inherit the earth, I think he might prefer to change the Biblical dolls into water... and probably hold Socha's head under until he decides to stop trivializing faith.

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