Saturday, February 21, 2009

Reading The Message Boards

I have been looking at my server message board again. Every few months I like to check what the "natives" are doing and thinking out here in. Aren't you thrilled ot get my report on my quick look today?
There are the usual sexual entreaties, political rants, personal messages, religious recruitment, romance seeking, game messages, educational debates etc.... But I bring you a few of the more interesting postings I glanced at. Here they are in one of the categories, Culture and Community- This category caught my attention first, so I give you some of it..
1) There was an EASY MONEY posting that listed a complicated way of scamming fellow users by asking for money. It swears it works, but have no fear. I am not asking for money today.
2) Need Sexy Lady 4 Good Times- a guy or gal put it succinctly here. "hey ladys holla if u r in no. (That's New Orleans). In case you ever pass through and are interested his E mail address is listed as I passed on that one.
3) Lookin' 4 Singles Black Lesbians- This one said the sender was an aggressive black lesbian who's new to New Orleans and hopes to meet other single black lesbians at the site. I am pretty sure I am not a single black lesbian. So I didn't read the rest of the posting.
4) Star Gazers- This one was posted by someone more weird than I! I swear. I have no idea what it's about, but here is the entire posting. "Has anybody heard anymore about this unknown object that was discovered in space a few months ago? Nobody knew what it was. has anybody heard any updates? Serious responses please." You think I should tell this one that I saw and know what the object is? He or she seems frantic. I consider it a public service to calm down the one who posted this item.
5) Nazi Muslims- The guy who wrote this one seems more a Nazi than the people he is attacking. He spews hate toward Muslims and declares that "their religion would not even exist if it wasn't for Jesus". He asks "to let your voices be heard", but I think this nut already hears too many voices in his own head.
6) True Happiness- Cher up! I have found the key to true happiness right here on my bell south server. A creature calling herself Madam Sunrise posted this one. She says "I am here for you", gave a 1- 800 phone number (1-800-ASK KEEN in case you are unhappy), but regretfully didn't say how much it will cost you for her being "here for you".
7) Visit my culture and community. It will blow your mind- A Nathalie Davis writes simply, "visit my web page; bread from heaven. Hehe It had zero replies listed. I guess heaven is a distant place now.
8) To Evil Person!- This guy is mad at someone. He says he is a Capricorn "which is a goat" and that he could "use my horns to stick one in your hateful butt, Buster". After launching that attack he then incomprehensibly writes," If you can't say nothing nice-then don't say anything at all, you Turkey!!" Gee That was a nice remark she herself made.
9) Can you believe someone is selling "prayer pillows" at a message board? This one says "For the active traveler and those who pray or work on your knees. This is a perfect item and also a wonderful gift for someone you care for." I suspect the "prayer pillow"is a standard sized small pillow and that if you send your money for this, you haven't a prayer of a chance to receive anything of value.
10) Gay Toys- When I saw this title I rushed to see what's the latest in gay sex toys. But no such seedy message here. Instead, some nut says he and his wife (I assume it is a heterosexual couple) saw "2 male gay dolls for sale right next to the Barbies". I wonder why he is so upset. Barbie doesn't seem to mind, but this fellow does. He said one had a purse in his hand and the other had flowers in his. This does seem like a dangerous toy for the guy who posted it. Hehe I know this because he concludes his posting with a plea to stop "poisoning kids" He concludes with "God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve."
Gee, message boards sure can be educational.

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