Saturday, February 21, 2009

Those Cell Rings

Hold on to your cell phones (but don't use them as a weapons against me) I am going to write about another cell phone abuse today. This time I rant about cell phone rings. No, not the typical ring of a phone, which in itself can be annoying.
I am writing about those outlandish, often loud rings on most cell phones today. You're sitting in a quiet restaurant enjoying a great meal when the unthinkable happens. Somebody's cell phone goes off, blaring the latest rap melody" or some other full blown, rip roaring "ring" to alert the idiot who left his cell on, that he or she has a call. It's gotten out of hand!
Those obnoxious cell phone abusers are now torturing us with loud snippets of songs that echo into the ear drums of all who are unfortunately victimized by that noise pollution. So enamored with those tunes, now cell fiends are also installing "ring back tones" which is what the innocent caller is forced to hear while he or she is waiting for the cell nut to answer his or her phone.
Don't tell me those rings are "a form of expression" or "a great way to express oneself". It's not a "vanity license plate", a haircut or a bumper sticker that shows individuality. It's annoying to others! They are an annoying noise pollution to innocent bystanders. Give me an enema before subjecting me to those loud cell tones!! I think the enema is the lesser of the two unpleasantries. Oh,, uh.... before you get the enema ready....I was speaking figuratively.

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