Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Have you ever been fired from a job? I have not, but I am lucky in that it may be a minority position as the job market makes so many demands and changes rapidly. If it has happened to you, you might think you're the only one who has been fired or suffered a setback in your career. In reality, many others, including some of the world's most successful people have been fired at least once.
The reason I bring up this subject is because a book , "We Got Fired", by Harvey Mackay, examines the subject and even makes some recommendations for turning a firing into a positive experience. Mackay points out that people like J.K Rowling, the Harry Potter author, was fired because while working as a secretary she was caught writing creative stories on her computer (Not playing on line games or chatting on IM like you are doing. Haha).
Or how bout Lance Armstrong the winner of the last six Tour de France cycling titles. He was fired from the French racing team (he is American but riders often ride for teams representing other countries) because he contracted cancer, started treatments and was not able to ride. In fact, the French team refused to pay any of his salary or medical bills. No wonder Lance dislikes France.
Anyway, Here are some tips that Mackay gives for those who are fired.
1) Don't take the firing personally- It might be that you just didn't fit in well at the job.
2) Don't be bitter- forget it and move on to better jobs.
3) Don't let go of your dreams- a bad situation can be the motivation to find a better situation.
4) Figure out the reason you were fired- so you can learn from the experience
5) Don't burn bridges- Maintain a cordial relationship with ex colleagues. They may help you find another job
6) Surround yourself with winners- You need positive people around you when you have been fired.
7) Find things that motivate you- Don't punish yourself and deny yourself things that bring you pleasure.
That will only bring on more negative feelings. Gee....I just realized. You could fire me any time by not answering my mail.
One fellow who should be fired- from his job as a thief, is the German criminal from Berlin who botched a car radio theft so yesterday, so much that even other crooks would like to see him fired. Having broken into a car late at night, the hapless thief's plans went badly wrong when he had trouble prying out the stereo inside the car. It was so exhausting, he fell asleep still clutching the screwdriver. The police awakened the tired thief after the car owner notified them that he saw someone in his vehicle. The good aspect to it all is that chances are good the thief will not get fired from his prison cell.

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