Monday, February 23, 2009


Some comments today about my least favorite body adornment- tattoos. The past 10 years or so in America has been the age of the tattoo, starting with gang members, then athletes, and finally celebrities embracing them. Americans, especially women, are getting tattooed at a record rate, making what used to be considered seedy or only for the uneducated class seem respectable.
Psychology long considered getting a tattoo to be a deviant behavior. No more! I saw a statistic the other day that tattoos are so popular among the 18-25 age group that about 20% of people that age here have at least one tattoo. Women make up more than half of that total. What used to be secret and underground is now hardly noticed.
There are tattoo shops all about where just a few years ago they were hard to find. Some kids now even buy tattoo kits and do it to themselves. For some younger kids a tattoo is as normal as buying a new pair of shoes. But the mass appeal of the tattoo may be what will kill the surge in popularity.
It has become so popular among the young group (though still considered unacceptable among older demographics) that it may be losing it's appeal. A few of the tattooed Hollywood celebs and professional athletes have started to cover or erase their tattoos. What used to be a secret bond has become so commercialized and watered down, the tattoo may be in for a sharp decline. That's fine with me. I am no fan of tattoo, though I respect anyone's right to wear one if he or she wishes. So what is your opinion of tattoos. Is the tattoo gaining or losing appeal there?

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