Thursday, February 19, 2009

No Porn For Benedict

One of the games many people play on the Internet involves guessing and buying domain names. That is, people will pick a web site address with a name they think might be popular some time in the future. They then spend a few dollars to register a claim for that domain names.
For instance, before soccer star/pretty boy David Beckham became known one might have bought a domain name of David and paid very little for it at the time. When Beckham became famous that name would have enormous appeal to someone who had a business and wanted people to see the product line. Just imagine how much a porn site or gambling link would pay for David Beckham .com (I made that up for the purposes of this example and have no idea if there is such a web site).
Now comes word that a clever fellow from Florida, Rogers Cadenhead, registered the Internet name before the new pope of the same name was chosen. Though he has yet to decide what to do with it, Rogers is telling the world to relax- he won't sell the name to a porno or gambling site. He had also guessed on and purchased several other possible papal names-,,, and Rogers describes himself on his regular web site as the author of several technology books. "For the love of God, people, that's not going to happen," said Rogers in answer to whether he would sell BenedictXVI's domain name to a more "sinful" company. "I will be running my plans I have for this domain by my own catholic doctrinal enforcer, my never-miss-a-Sunday grandmother Rita."
Rogers also said he was considering his options for the site but if the Pope's people were to approach him to discuss taking over the site he might make a few requests of the Church including "one of those hats" and "world peace".
Well.... I guess that is better than placing the domain with giggling boobs at a porn site....I had to say that but you know what I am thinking....

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