Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Top Movie Lines

You probably know I am very selective about movies, watching few and thinking most are boring or inane. But movies have changed the language of modern culture by contributing slang. For better or worse, language here in the U.S. and most other places (Cultural contamination from the idiots in Hollywood) has been influenced by movies.
We get some of our "street talk" from it, and I must say sometimes it can be annoying when overused. Having written this, I must tell you about an article in my newspaper today that discussed what the American Film Institute felt were the 100 top movie quotes, quips, comebacks and catch phrases that have seeped into every day language. here are some of the 100 I think you may recognize.
1) "Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn"- (Gone With The Wind)
2) "Here's looking at you, kid."- (Casablanca
3) "I'll be back"- (Terminator)
4) "Show me the money"- (Jerry McGuire)
5) "Do ya feel lucky, punk?"- (Dirty Harry)
6) "I'm mad as Hell, and I am not going to take it anymore!"- (Network)
7) "May the force be with you"- (Star Wars)
8) "I'll make him an offer he can't refuse"-(The Godfather)
9) "It's the stuff that dreams are made of"- (The Maltese Falcon)
10) "I'm the king of the world"- (Titanic)
11) "Love means never having to say you are sorry"-(Love Story)
12) "What we have here is a failure to communicate"-(Cool Hand Luke)
13) "Sure, baby!" (Austin Powers) Any other movie lines you hear repeated when out and about?
What's your favorite movie line?

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