Saturday, February 21, 2009

Even At The Grocery Store

I saw it again today at the grocery store. It's the second time in two days and there have been many more times. What did I see that prompts me to mention this? You guessed it! It's another cell phone abuse to report.
It's bad enough that I have to listen to the giggling, laughing, loud talk, music and annoying rings of cell phones when I am in public. But now I see that employees of grocery stores are amusing themselves at work by chatting on their phones.
Today it was a stock person who was outside rounding up grocery carts. While pushing the carts he was in an animated conversation on his cell phone about his plans for Friday night. I wonder why the store doesn't supervise their employees better and why there is not a ban on personal phones at the work site. No doubt it's because the supervisors are similarly engaged in cell addition and have no idea that their workers are entertaining themselves while they work. Productivity and manners be damned! This is the age of cell phones. It's killing me..

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