Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Anger Management

Is it better to show your anger or hold it in? That's a question that's hard to answer for many. I suppose the answer depends on the personality of the person who is confronted and the situation. But we all have our own ways of dealing with anger. For me, being a laid back and largely un-angerable (hmmmmm This may not be a word) person, it is to defuse a situation before anger ever comes.
Humor is a good device for that, because we all like to laugh. Having written this, there is one more factor in the question of anger management. that is, the age of the person who is being angered. Are older people wiser, or are younger ones just-not necessarily dumb, but not smart enough yet in the ways of the world to know when to fight their battles? In other words, does age and experience make us better at regulating our emotion when we are mad? Anyone who is observant would have to say "yes'.
Younger people are more likely to yell and argue while older ones tend to shrug off the irritation and save emotional display until absolutely necessary. I think the older we get the better we are at picking our battles and regulating our responses to irritations (This computer makes me --- ---- mad! See, I regulated...).
In general, apart from those kinds of people who are "always mad, the older we are the fewer interpersonal problems, less negative feelings and less destructive behavior we feel. We "mellow" with age or maybe when we are younger we just haven't learned yet how to suppress and eliminate angry feelings.
Do you agree or not? Further, is the proposition that it's best "to actively deal with tensions by discussing (sometimes angrily) them and trying to figure them out", or is it better to just ignore all but the important ones? Uh..if you don't answer I promise not to get mad at you.....

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