Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Felling sleepy? Wake up! I haven't yet begun to bore you with this blog. But then maybe your yawning isn't my fault. Maybe you didn't sleep well last night. If not, this E mail is right for you because it is about the results of research done on 40,000 men and women in Taiwan. to find how social factors effect insomnia.
The participants answered questions about their marital status, employment, educational attainment, household income and number of children living in the home. Insomnia symptoms were rated on a scale of from 1 to 5. Here are some of the key results.
1) Overall, women averaged 1.25 points higher on the insomnia scale than men regardless of socioeconomic level.
2) A higher educational level may help women sleep better at night while men seem to have more sleeping problems when educated better.
3) Women are twice as likely to suffer from insomnia than are men.
4) Both men and women who exercise regularly tend to sleep better.
5) Among the social factors that produced insomnia in both sexes are: divorce or separation, older age, poor health, smoking, low income and living with children at home. Non of these seem surprising, in contrast to the educational aspect affecting women.
I guess th....Oh, you're sleeping. Those researchers should study the effects of my E mail on sleep, as well.

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