Sunday, February 8, 2009

Poor Nations Exploiting The Rich

As bad as George Bush was for both the U.S. and the World, and as irresponsible he was for launching an invasion of Iraq, the United Nations is probably worse for all of us. No better example of this was illustrated than one can see in the U.N. report on global poverty.
The report concluded that global poverty can be cut in half by 2015 and eliminated by 2025 if the world's richest countries, including the U.S (Of course, doesn't everyone want a blank check from the U.S.), Japan and Germany double aid to the poorest countries. What a lie that is!
Firstly, no amount of financial largess from wealthy nations will do anything but give temporary relief to people embattled by the real problems that afflict them. And what is the real reason those poor nations are abject and doomed to remain that way. It's not because rich countries do not support poor ones. It is largely because the governments in their countries oppress them with brutality and corruption.
The common denominator in all of the poorest countries is a population ill educated and oppressed by its own leaders. So why does a prestigious body (thought not deservedly so) like the U.N. say to "give them money"? It's because the U.N. is a dictatorship of the poor. With each nation having one vote in the General Assembly, and with many more poor nations than wealthy, it is only natural that the poor countries leaders tell their U.N. delegations to vote for such aid and to issue studies that reinforce their claim that if the wealth supports the poor, everyone will be happy and prosperous.
What this latest U.N. sham shows is that the U.N. is clearly in the hands of the "have nots". Is it any wonder that idiots like George Bush, in frustration at being blocked by the despotic members of the U.N., would show disdain for the U.N. and single handily try to invade sovereign nations (Iraq).
The U.N. is at best an irrelevant body that makes pronouncements few believe and even fewer adhere to. Instead of the Underdeveloped (poor) nations holding out their hands for more money from the wealthier ones, they might instead rid themselves of their own corruption and mismanagement, and give their people what they really need to achieve economic prosperity- freedom, opportunity, education and a huge slice of hope. None of that will come in the form of more foreign aid from outside their countries.

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