Saturday, February 28, 2009

Computer Age

I guess the personal computer revolution isn't over after all. One would think that the market for PC's would be declining now that so many that can afford one have one., but statistics just out show otherwise. Worldwide shipments of personal computers rose 16.6 per cent in the second quarter of the year as surging international demand (U.S. demand is much lower than international demand) and lower prices are driving new purchases.
The 16.6 % growth rate was the fastest growth rate since a 18 % rise in the third quarter of 2000. At some point this would have to let up, but The computer price wars have lowered prices so much that a lower income segment of the market has been created.
Aside from this statistic, I think the computer revolution has changed the world dramatically in the past 10 years or so. Instant personal communication, availability of news that is freely written apart from government propaganda, speedier personal and business transactions have made our world smaller (Well, that is my view). The concept of nationalism and borders is shrinking with each new computer used.
I believe this is a good thing for society at large, though it may kill some regional cultural distinctions and tend to homogenize the world's cultures (The KFC is everywhere concept). But isn't it better to have a world connected and aware than disconnected and apart?
What do you think? Is the computer age a better thing for us, not only technologically, but in non technological aspects as well? It had to happen.
The cell phone is now aiding another unpleasant cause- illegal immigration. It seems that another group of the millions of illegal immigrants here becomes stranded in the parched Arizona desert where they were making an illegal entry into the U.S. But because they had cell phones they were able to call for "rescue services" from the U.S. border control.
Lost and low on water, (It takes about 3 or 4 days to make an illegal entry at the Arizona border) they used a cell phone after their guide had abandoned them in the desert. Rescue helicopters located the group shortly thereafter. In the past many illegal immigrants have died of heat exhaustion while making that crossing through eastern Arizona. More than half a million illegals have been arrested there, just a fraction of the 20 million or so who have poured across the border in the past few years.
I am not one to want anyone to die in the desert and am happy they were rescued (and I hope promptly deported back to Mexico). But why do people who allege to be impoverished, and seeking food and a new life have cell phones? It's yet another indication of the cell phone addiction in society. Sigh.. I hope the border patrol will catch and send them al back..and ..surely send their cell phones to.

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