Saturday, February 28, 2009

Iranian Outrage

I think world opinion is shifting more toward the concept of respecting human rights. It seems now that dictators and nations who flaunt those concepts are being criticized and in some cases steered away from their brutality.
A recent example is the religious dictatorship of Iran. The Mullahs there publicly hanged an 18 year old and 16 year old boy after condemning them of raping younger boys in northeastern Iran. that punishment- executing juveniles, has right groups and many citizens world wide up in arms.
Nobel Peace laureate Shirin Ebadi condemned the hangings, and action that would have been unthinkable years ago. perhaps the dictators are now not terrorizing their countrymen as before? Ebadi pointed out that Iran had violated its obligations under the International Convention on the Rights of the Child (which bans executing children). Further, he said he will help lead the fight against Iran's policy of executing child criminals. Mahmoud Asgari, 16, and Ayaz Marhonit, 18 (but 17 when the crimes were allegedly committed) were hanged publicly in Mashhad. they said before the executions that they were not aware that homosexual acts were punishable by death. (They were accused of having sex with a 13 year old boy).
Various gay rights groups are protesting and many other human rights organizations are demanding Iran change it's policy toward children accused of crimes against pregnant women and against the mentally disabled. All three categories are ignored under iranian "law". Human rights groups have cited "dozens" of child executions and under the laws of Iranian dictatorship girls older than 9 and boys older than 15 face execution if they commit crimes such as murder or rape.
Too, some children are executed for "engaging in illegal sexual relations". Perhaps Iran's attempts to be seen as a legitimate and civilized country will force a change in this and other abominations the regime there routinely commits in the name of "Islamism". I do think many other dictators are aware of public opinion and realize to alienate the world is to lock out self economically.
If Iran can be forced to alter some of it's brutality, there is hope that other nations will too. Anyway....that's my optimistic view.
Need a good reason to be a virgin (a hypothetical question. Hehe)? Maybe the promise of one Ugandan legislator might make you move to Uganda and profit from his offer. Bbaale County MP Sulaiman Madada has pledged to reward girls for chastity by paying for entire university fees if they are virgins when they leave school. That's right..Any woman in Madada's district who wants the scholarship need only take a gynecological exam to prove her virginity.
But wait! Because proving male virginity s next to impossible, Madada has not offered males the same deal. Still Madada is serious. "Our children should be told of the risks they face if they are involved in early and unprotected sex."
At first glance the idea seems crazy, but Madada's district is an AIDS haven. More than 80% of families who live there have lost at least one family member to AIDS. But uh...given that statistic I wonder if there are any virgins left to win those scholarships?

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