Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Guess what the latest fashion fad is in American schools. Wearing pajamas. Haha I am not kidding. There have been quite a few reports from around the country that some kids are wearing flannel pajamas to school (and most send home as it violates every school dress code). Apparently Michael Jackson is the one who gave the kids the idea, because it was jackson's court appearance in pajama bottoms and slippers that inspired the kids to copy. Many of the students have even worn slippers with their flannel pj's, and some utter the "MJ" defense when school officials send the home. "Michael wore the to court. They're cool".
One wonders if the parent are still asleep when the kids go to school. I can't imagine sending a child to school in pajamas. Too, that the kids still admire Molester Michael is puzzling. Let's hope the next MJ behavior the kids adopt isn't molestation of boys! Having written about pajamas I must ask, are you feeling sleepy? (especially since you are reading my E mail). You are not alone. Apparently in the U.S. not many adults are getting an adequate night's sleep. This, as reported by a new poll from the National Sleep Foundation. It says that there of every four adults here are not getting the average minimum of seven to nine hours of sleep each night that they need to be alert, feel good and function optimally.
I can understand the feeling, as I sleep somewhere between 5 to 6 hours a night. To, I often feel I am not functioning as well as I could because of my sleep deprivation. As the study said, People who sleep well are happier and healthier. But when sleep is poor or inadequate, people feel tired or fatigued, their social and intimate relationships suffer, work productivity is negatively affected, and they make highways and roads dangerous because they drive while sleepy." Symptoms of a sleep problem include difficulty falling asleep, awakening too early and being unable to go back to sleep, waking during the night, waking up and feeling tired, snoring, unpleasant feelings in the legs, pauses in breathing and inability to remember dreams (you are not in a sound sleep if not remembering dreams).
The Sleep Foundation report thinks some of the increase in sleep problems is attributed to our always-on-the- go society. We have a 24 hour society in which people can do many of the same things (grocery shop, for instance) at 3 am as in the afternoon. This makes it easier to disrupt sleep patterns.
Here are some highlights of the sleep deprived poll
- Men are more likely to say they get more sleep than they need, 49% as compared to 37% of women
- 47% of the respondents reported that they stay up later on weekends than during the week.
- Older respondents more often said they slept better, though they really sleep less.
- More than half of the respondents said they nap at least once a week; one third report napping two or more times a week.
- One third of respondents said they have problems in their relationship because of their partner's abnormal sleep.
- One fourth of adults said sleep problems had some impact on their lives.
- Six in ten motorists said they have driven while drowsy in the past year. 4 % said they had a traffic accident because they were too tired or because they fell asleep while driving
- Three out of four said their partner has some sleep problem, most often citing snoring. - One in four said they had less sex with their partner because of sleep problems.
- Seven in ten respondents said their doctor never asked them about their sleep. My only suggestion to you is to keep my E mail. When you are restless, just read a few paragraphs. You are bound to fall asleep both quickly and deeply.
In Beijing they may sleep better, but there is something that else especially annoys Beijingers. The China Daily news said today that a poll by the Beijing Social Psychology Institute disclosed that Beijing residents think spitting in public is just too much to take! In fact it is what they most dislike about living in Beijing. Two of three residents say they often see people spit on the street and at public places like bus and rail stations. Though the city has rules against spiting, they are rarely enforced.
Here are some other gripes reported to be on the list of Beijing hates. 1) The second biggest hate was those dog owners who fail to clean up after their pets. (I wonder if Doggie Fido spits too?) 2) In third place was littering 3) the remaining 3 pet peeves of Beijingers were Illegal advertising, pushing by passengers on public buses and lovers "who show affection in public".
Now I don't mind you using my mail as a sleeping aid, but I think I spitting here is a bit over the line.........

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