Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Growing Immigration Concerns

A reflection from me today on something I am noticing happening in many areas of the world. What's the next big world issue? I think one may be immigration, both the legal and illegal kind. It already is a major topic here, though our political leaders refuse to call for an end to illegal immigration from Mexico and Central America due to the political backlash that would result in some being defeated in their re election campaigns.
But now it has become a focus in Europe. The recent defeat in France and Holland of the EU constitution happened because of economic fears and because of the fears by citizens of both countries that they would be over run by with more immigrants from Muslim countries and Eastern Europe. They see the mess in the U.S from the policy of closing one's eyes as criminals, drug dealers, terrorists, unskilled, illiterate types rush into a country that has no limits on immigration.
If Europe passes the EU constitution, all immigration limits are off. They will be inundated by , not the desirable immigrant, but more with the type that drains a country and adds to social, economic and political problems. Apart from Europe and the U.S., every industrial country seems to be troubled by the ease at which less desirable immigrants move about. Even developing countries like China (with perhaps a million illegal North Korean immigrants) are getting more of the immigrants they don't want, and fewer of the kind that will benefit the society.
I think there will have to be some international cooperation on immigration, some rule of law to regulate it. If not, there will be problems created in the societies that received the excess, problems unfathomable today, but nightmares tomorrow

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