Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Is there such a thing as a "shopaholic"? Can shopping be an addiction? I think we both know it can. Just about anything can become an addiction. Most people have engaged in a little "retail therapy" from time to time because we all have been energized by a sale (Christmas sales are good examples of this) that made us want to "shop until we drop".
But if you shop too much, too often and for items you never much need, you may be a shopaholic. I often observe the way those who are addicted to shopping appear when I am (unfortunately) in a mall. You can tel by their eyes, the way they scurry about, their energy level..that they have what is the "acceptable' addiction of shopping too much.
Uh.. kill me for typing this, but it is commonly felt and I believe that more women are shopping addicts than are men. But men have a shopping addiction problem too. They more often buy expensive big ticket items when they are addicted- those boats or new cars. While women buy more often, but buy smaller ticket items than men.
Too, I think women are more liable to shop too much because men ask their women to do much of the shopping for them. Thus it is understandable that , given they go shopping more, they will become addicted at a higher rate. Hmmmmm Why are people compulsive shoppers. i think it might be for may reasons. one is that shopping is away to spoil one's self as away to deal with low self esteem. It also is a good way for people to handle stress, is a great entertainment for some, credit is too easy to get and use, and may be because society is so materialistic that it is only natural addictive personality types will become addicted to shopping.
Most shopaholics won't admit they are overdoing it, and for many it is harmless. Uh.. I am not going to ask if you are a shopaholic because you may make me reveal my own additions. So.. Happy Shopping!

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