Monday, February 23, 2009

TV is Changing

You know what is changing rapidly here (and I suppose in most other countries as well)? It's TV. I don't watch TV much, but what I do see is different than before, both in the technical and programming areas. Now big wall mounted plasma screens are appearing in homes, as TV becomes a"media center", not just a television monitor.
Soon just about any means of communication (including our computers) will come and go through the monitors on our walls. T.S. Elliot wrote in a poem once, 'Women come and go..speaking of Michaelangelo' to mark that era of change, when high society women sat and talked about inconsequential activities and events instead of the real events and problems in their lives.
So it may become with TV. We may become submerged in the triviality shown before us and miss what is more important for our own personal lives. Is that not what I already rant about when I vent about cell rudeness? Isn't the cell abuser, when he chatters rudely in public, ignoring all civility, a reflection of the loss of contact with the simple but important elements of humanity?
So it may become with TV. In thinking about how TV may make us more rather than less isolated, one need only look at the flood of channels we have offered today. I have more than 100 choices, but watch only a few, and only rarely. This multi/specialized channel offering is not atypical. In fact, even with the abundance of channels today that appeal to even the most extreme interests, most people stick to only a few channels, perhaps 10 of the 200.
What's more, when people are offered more programming choices, they stick to fewer selections and, sad to say, fewer of the shows more important to a society's healthy- news and informational offerings. They become locked in stupidity (as in "Survivor" and "American Idol"). It's because we now want to stick to shows that do not challenge our assumptions and beliefs. It's a question of 4 billion separate islands, and this is not good. Society can not share commonality if it divides into separate worlds.
I think today's Tv, cell phones and even computers are doing that. They don't make us share our world, they allow us to separate from it. It is not a good omen for humans, if they wish to be as one. What do you think?

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