Thursday, February 19, 2009

Being Fat Isn't So bad

Good news for those who are overweight. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued a report today on the health dangers of being overweight and danger is now said to be much less than previously thought. The government now says that it ranks as the 7th most dangerous preventable cause of death, down from a previous number two ranking.
The new analysis found that obesity (being grossly overweight) is still a lethal proposition (Put down that piece of cake!), but several recent studies show that people who are modestly overweight actually have a lower risk of death than those of normal weight.(Ok, you can eat the cake)
This is because what was defined as "normal weight" may have been set too low for today's population. Also, we Americans are said to be eating better now, exercising more and managing blood pressure better than before. Here is the latest CDC ranking (based on the deaths last year) for the leading causes of preventable deaths in the U.S.
1) tobacco use 2) alcohol use 3) germs, toxins and pollutants 4) car crashes 5) car crashes 6) guns 7) poor diet, inactivity and obesity 8) risky sexual behavior 9) guns.
In no way does CDC minimum that obesity is a serious problem, but it says that improved treatments for being fat have reduced death tolls from it, and that previous estimates of death do to obesity were computed inaccurately. This is a strange reversal because in recent years the government has spent millions of dollars fighting obesity and publicizing that two out of three Americans are at least somewhat overweight, or at risk for heart disease, arthritis and diabetes. Well.... after weighing the facts about this I think I'll have a piece of cake too.

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