Saturday, February 28, 2009

Eat Slowly And Improve Your Health

Want to improve your overall health with an easy methodology? Then just do this- eat slowly. That's right. Savor your food, appreciate the company you dine with and pause frequently between bite to converse. That means no more eating while in the car or on the tram or wolfing down your lunch to avoid being late for an appointment.
According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention the price Americans pay (about 65% of us are at least slightly overweight) for rushing through meals is meals that are lodged around our waist, thighs, arms and even internal organs like the heart and liver. That's because when one eats too quickly he or she also tends to eat more. This is because the body's natural impulse to regulate food intake is confused by fast eating.
Thus, the signals that get the stomach and intestines ready, that enhance digestion and that tell us we are "full" and should stop eating, do not work properly when food is eaten too quickly. Mom must have been right when she said to "slow down" as I shoveled the food in (I am still a "fast eater").
And the truth is that eating more slowly means eating less and losing weight. In clinical trials at my own state university, Louisiana State University, participants who were forced to eat slowly reduced their caloric intake by more than 25%. To my knowledge there are few studies that attempt to prove or disprove the correlation of eating speed to the number of kilos we are overweight. But that would be an interesting on to see.
It makes sense to me bec....oops! I dropped a potato chip on the keyboard. guessed it. I am shoveling down chips as I type this blog. And they taste too good to slow down!
The latest cosmetic fad in the U.S. seems to be "pump parties", particularly among the transgendered groups who want to look more "pumped" and sexy. What is a pump party? Glad you asked... It's a cheap and fast way for people to inject black market silicone into breasts, butts, hips, and cheeks to make a boy look more girlish and attractive.
In San Diego recently, two people were put into a coma after silicone injections went wrong at a pump party. This has alerted police to the practice at which people receive the injections from unlicensed, and untrained "pump docs", who use non medical silicone and charge between $200-$1,000 per treatment. Industrial-grade silicone, floor products and sealers, motor oil and even paraffin have been found to be in the silicone injections. This is all illegal and dangerous, yet the transsexual community seems more concerned with appearance that safety.
In the U.S. the law prohibits the direct injection of silicone and says that only "medical-grade" silicone can be inserted into bodies legally, and that only if it is encapsulated in a sac (as in a breast implant) that does not come into contact with body tissue. Having written all of this I ask, have you ever had or would you have any kind of silicone implant (legal or illegal)?
Hehe Not that I have noticed any dropping on your part....

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