Thursday, February 19, 2009

Fhotolog Blog

This fascination with "Blogs" is getting a bit carried away. You know what a blog really is. It's what we used to call a personal diary. Only a blog is a personal diary put on display for all to see. Weird isn't it? I mean, isn't a person's feelings suppose to be private, or at least limited to those he or she most cares for?
Oh, if you have your own blog you are welcome to explain it any way you wish. The newest kind of blog, the one I mentioned above as getting carried away with personal reflections, is the one I am referring to now. Its the so called "photo blog". More than one million people a day are logging onto, the photo blogging community that now shows about 180,000 new images each day, including some of the strangest you'll ever see. (Hmmmm weird... I may learn to like photo blogs before all is said and done).
There are photo blogs of bathroom graffiti someone photographed (or perhaps wrote first and then photographed), photo blogs of babies, puppies, tattoos, even umbrellas abandoned in trash cans. Well! I am not looking at that stuff. "It can be a benign form of rubbernecking, " says Fotoblog cofounder Adam Seifer. "A photo blog is often a little window into someone else's life. It can be whimsical and addicting."
Fotolog at least keeps it clean, not allowing sexually explicit images or gory pictures, but just about anything else a person can and does photograph appears. Here are a few highlights you might see if you log on to
1) Laundry- Don't ask me why, but some foto bloggers like to take pictures of other peoples' clean ( not dirty, mind you, clean) underpants and undergarments.
2) Grammar- This one I like! Grammatical errors and spelling blunders are pictured as they appear on road signs, storefronts, and in public service messages. One favorite is from a petrol station that says "Eat Here and Get Gas"!"
3) Big Brother Blogs- These are the foto blogs taken in secret with surveillance cameras peering out from buildings and unlikely spots. Big brother is watching and if you are not careful Foto Big Brother may photograph you picking your nose.
4) Love is in the Air- If you lie to kiss or see kissing, look at some of these lip-locked amorous lovers of every possible sexual orientation can be seen kissing to their heart's delight.
5) Necro Foto Blogs- Yes, they actually like to picture the spookiest graveyards world wide. Save this look for Halloween. Traditional blogs require some writing ability and intelligence, or no one will read them.
But these foto blogs are for everyone. I guess with the crazy cell phone cameras and their rude and crazy users we will see more and more photos we don't want. Gee...I hope they don't photographing me doing.... uh....nevermind.

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