Wednesday, February 25, 2009


I was thinking about inventions today. Well, more about technological changes, which led me to think about inventions. We have more new inventions and faster rates of inventing today than at any previous time in history. So you an I are witness to the "Age of Invention" (I made that up, so don't quote me).
Yet I was thinking about the nature of the inventions today. Most seem less impacting than in previous centuries, eras or decades. We don't see an invention like the automobile or a miracle drug like penicillin. Instead we have inventions that take us small steps forward, rather than leaps.
For example, the "upgrades' in entertainment technology and cell phones. These are amusing and comforting to people, but not really important to their general welfare. To some extent this may be because most of the leaps we are capable of discovering have already been invented, and other generations will more likely make the leap inventions. Any comment about this rambling I am doing?
How about the world's greatest invention (I think it was the invention of the printing press that had the most impact on the world and to the future of it)? What is your list of the top 3 inventions? And what about the greatest invention of the 20th century? Was that the automobile? Antibiotics? Radio? Telephones (But God! Not that ---- cell phone) TV? The computer? Or do you have a another one you think is more important than those?

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