Thursday, February 19, 2009

Reflections About Music

We often think about how words we have heard or read effect us. But what about music? Does music have a bigger effect on people than they realize? I think so. The effect of music (any kind that appeals to a person, for music is one of the most subjective of all influences) on human emotions and behavior is both strong and interesting.
Of course music has long been a big part of every culture, even in primitive cultures people sang and chanted for many reasons, from distraction to the hardship of life to putting someone in a trance or frenzy. Now music is pervasive. It is even a background for many work and school settings, used to create a favorable environment there.
In a sense language communicates information while music communicates emotion. Ok..what is the use of me writing about this subject? It is not something within our control. I just think it so interesting that something as powerful as music is so little recognized as ot its importance.
Here are some examples of how music effects both my emotion and behavior and probably yours too.
- A hymn during a funeral provides us comfort over the loss of a loved one
- A lullaby sung by a parent to help put an infant to sleep, and also calms the parent
- A rousing march played at a parade by a military band inspires us to feel patriotic - A selection from Mozart or Schubert inspires the mind to think more deeply
- A love song makes two people feel romantic (Hehe Should I sing one to you?) toward each other
- A wedding march brings joy to the mother of the bride or groom - A song that reminds an older person of the glories of his or her youth Sooooooooo...... the next time you are feeling "off", cast my blog aside (It hurts for me s to suggest that..sigh) and listen to a melody that will be far more soothing than mere words spoken or written.

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