Sunday, June 28, 2009

Zero Tolerance

I am not sure you notice that when I write I often try to enlighten you and also improve society at large,. Hehe I know I fail on both accounts, but someone has to do this dirty job and someone has to listen (that's you). This relentless pursuit of mine to change society often arises because of a single incident I experience that most (normal) people would not even ignore. Yet, the insignificant is significant for me. I see meaning in even the simplest act I observe. Why, you may ask, does he always write about the things that he wants changed or is upset about? It is because they most deserve comment and most interest me. Well, I have had it with the phrase I heard yet again today, "zero tolerance"
Yep! What I have to comment on today is the idea of "zero tolerance" in which the person or organization basically says "We ( I) are going to be intolerant and never change our view or opinion. We (I) will not listen to you or respect your idea and will punish or sanction you if you violate our zero tolerance policy."
I wonder why people think zero tolerance is a good thing. It implies a lack of understanding on the part of the one who holds the view. Yet zero tolerance is viewed by most people as "being tough" or 'taking a stand", a good thing to many but an overly simplistic one. So, for example, when some Muslims say the rest of the world has to believe what they believe and worship their God, they are taking a "zero tolerance" toward other religions. Is that a positive stance? It allows for no exceptions and encourages intolerance and hatred toward those with whom they disagree. Zero tolerance behavior has even crept into our institutions and commercial enterprises today. Schools, for example, say they are taking a zero tolerance position toward student fights in school. The school will expel any student who fights, meaning also that an innocent student who is attacked and defends him or herself is equated with the aggressor and is kicked out of school too. This is not good. Or how about the zero tolerance to drugs in school? It's why we read of children being suspended because mom gave her daughter a Tylenol or other headache remedy to take when that sinus problem hits little Mary.
We also often hear about zero tolerance in commercial businesses relations with customers. That aggravates me because it is annoying and insincere. When a business tells me it has a zero tolerance policy I tend to not patronize it because I can't trust it. For example, when businesses say they have a zero tolerance toward employees who are rude I know they are lying. Why would an employee not be rude occasionally. The employee faces multitudes of insensitive and rude customers. is it realistic to think that once in awhile the employee might answer rudeness with the same?
No, when zero tolerance is used it means the person or organization is doing nothing- except pretending to take a stand on an abstract problem. Zero tolerance will impress the fool, but anyone who looks at the concept of it should be able to see it is just a term to impress other people. more thing about my zero tolerance view. I want to warn you that I have a zero tolerance toward anyone who disagrees.....So watch it!

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