Saturday, June 27, 2009

Water, Water Everywhere to Drink....In Bottles

People in the U.S. spent over $4 billion dollars on bottled water last year. But why? I know they think bottled water is safer than tap water, that's what bottled water sellers propagandize them to think. But it isn't! Just because water is on a bottle doesn't mean it doesn't have bacteria and arsenic in them. They do (Ok, it's small amounts, but larger than what is in tap water). So bottled water is not cleaner here than tap water. In fact, with fluoride added to out tap water tooth decay in the tap water drinker is 50% less than in bottled water drinkers.
The fact is that this government and probably yours too, do not regulate bottle water sellers in their countries. I know that in some countries tap water is not clean, but here it is. It is strictly regulated and the purest water possible for humans to drink. What about the, "I like bottled water because it tastes better." People actually swear bottled water tastes better. Water has no taste! Those people think too much. In fact, when blind taste tests are given to people in which they select the water that they prefer, they more often pick water that is from a tap. So scratch the "it tastes better" reason why people here are obsessed with spending money for water they can get free from any tap.
Forget germ hysteria and taste as reasons people in the U.S. throw their money away on bottled water brought into their homes or purchased at retail stores. Sure drinking water is a good thing. But why don't they just fill up thermoses or other containers and take them out instead of paying money for water?
I think it is because bottled water is another trendy habit. They make statement when they swill their bottled water in public. "Look at me. I am drinking 'clean' water and others are not. I am more clever than they are." I doubt it. In fact, I think they are merely following the dictates of the water sellers who, manipulate them into thinking they should pay $2 for what is free (and cleaner) in their home faucets and then fleece them ever day by selling it.
What's next, selling people cleaner air? Oh...I forgot...most of those bottle water drinkers also believe we will all die soon from "global warming" anyway.

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