Sunday, June 28, 2009

Tourist Self Defense

Do you remember last spring read about that American senior citizen who killed a mugger with his bare hands in the city of Limon? He was part of an elderly tour group who were mugged were visiting Costa Rica on the Carnival cruise ship Liberty. The mugging took place during an outing organized by a group of passengers. Ha! how's that for crime deterrence.
The guy who killed on of three muggers (who were armed with a rifle and machetes) is a retired member of the U.S. military about 70 years old He put thief Warner Segura in a head lock and broke his clavicle after the 20-year-old mugger and two other men armed with a knife and gun held up the group tour bus, Mugger Segura was later declared dead, apparently from asphyxiation, as the tourist strangled him to death.
Anyway, no charges were filed against the fellow who killed the mugger, since he fought in self defense, and to show how cool that guy was, he continued with the rest of his tour (as did all the others on the cruise) after the incident was ended. Forget about a tour guide, I want that guy on my next tour.
I don't want anyone to die, but the mugger was a career criminal who was trying to victimize what he thought were the weak. It's kind of inspiring, in a perverted way, to see that group of tourists not meekly surrender to theft and possible violence.
I was robbed once in Jakarta as I walked down the street. Three muggers tried to knock me down from behind and take whatever money I had, but I managed to foil them by fighting with them , losing only a cheap glass case and not being injured. After the incident I always thought it foolish to have fought them, even thought I was much bigger than all three. One or more may have had a knife or some other weapon, and the result would have been no mail from Jim for you. Haha I hope you aren't regretting my victory in that assault.
I still think it wise to not resist a criminal attack, and my fighting those three n Jakarta was purely an instinctual response. had I had time to think I probably would not have resisted. And in the future, if ever robbed I believe I will not resist unless my safety is imperiled.
What about your defense mode? How do you think you would react if robbed or if threatened with physical harm?

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