Sunday, June 28, 2009

Play Doh

One of the things I noticed while in Wal Mart the other day was Play-Doh. Yep, Play Doh sold small trick ot treat gift containers of their soft, squishy blobs of blue, red, yellow .... every color imaginable, goo that dries after molding into whatever a child's imagination fashions. It made me think about Play-Doh, noble Play-Doh, one of the best toys a kid ever gets. I remember when Jane was small and we made things from Play-Doh. Like all kids who have it, she loved Play-Doh. I bought the containers of it an all the molds that Play-Doh sells to bankrupt parents. We made so many things and with each I saw jane's imagination sparked to new heights.
Play-Doh helps kids imagine, build and develop patience (one needs it to mold Play-Doh properly). Unlike the electronic toys we give kids now, Play-Doh is an educational tool that correlates with the child growing into an adult who is not afraid to do mechanical and artistic tasks. I know this because I can't do them and never used Play-Doh as a child. I am Play-Doh deprived because of it. While other little boys played with Play-Doh little Jimmy played sports or Cowboys and Indians or read. But I was always a too imaginative child anyway and saw Play -Doh as somewhat restrictive.
Hmmmmmm I think it is too late to play with Play-Doh but not to late to praise that simple invention of more than 50 years ago.. Just squeezing that goo between our fingers, poking holes in it, cutting it, making something is a certain kind of primitive release. There are not rules to Play-Doh (except the parent's "Do not get that stiff on my rug") and this is good in a mindless world of regulations and cell phone mentality. Play-Doh lets kid think, imagine, enjoy and create.
Isn't it a shame that too many parents today don't provide Play-Doh for their little ones. They don't like it sticking to the rug, or being left out the container to dry and become useless before being shaped. They don't like the smell (get high on sniffing Play-Doh!) of it or their children getting Play-Doh on themselves. Non imaginative parents even claim Play-Doh is ruined when mixed because it isn't the original color. I wonder where hose parents left their imaginations...Oh, I forgot..their cell phones and other electronics probably burned off their imagination a long time ago.
Ok, tell me if you ever played with Play-Doh. What did you make with it?
One couple that could use more Play-Doh was Larry Boyd and his unidentified girlfriend who argue to much and play too little. It seems that the couple were fighting again last week in a motel in Nashville Tennessee. They fought so much that they took their argument to an adjacent Waffle House restaurant before they got dressed that morning., Yep! They showed up in the nude. (Someone should have covered their sensitive parts with Play-Doh).
According to Larry's lady the fight began when Larry took a hit of cocaine, started tearing up the motel room and then choked her. So she ran to the Waffle house naked, locking herself in a rest room there. Naked Larry followed her, but eventually hopped into the car when he saw that she would not come out of the rest room. He was arrested a short time later and charged with driving under the influence and evading arrest.
The Waffle House patrons continued dipping their waffles in the house syrup through ti all. No truth to the rumor that the Waffle House added an entertainment fee to their bills.

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