Saturday, June 27, 2009

Suicide Bombers

It's just me again, not one of those nutty suicide bombers. Aren't you lucky to have me instead. Hehe Well, that question is relative and I withdraw it because I am afraid of the answer you will give. But I am glad not to be one of those suicide bombers. Yes, I have been ruminating the state of suicide bombing after reading of yet another in Iraq. Suicide bombing is a curious sport, isn't it? From what I see, almost all of those creatures are Islamic radicals. Most seem well educated, I think I have read that one third even have a university degree. They also are almost always single. Hmmmmmm One would think a married person would be driven to blow him or herself up, not a happy single one? And yes, most are male. I suppose that is a good thing, given that we males are basically worthless and easily replaced.
Modern suicide bombing started to become popular in the 80's when Shiite Palestinians who were desperate for attention in order to promote a political cause (taking land from Israel), but has evolved into extremist religious protest in which most of the suicide bombers kill not only themselves, but other Islamic people they claim to want to save. In the Iraqi/Iranian War during the 80's young boys were given rifles and T shirts that said "Allah Akbar" (God is Great) on the front and a statement of the glories of dying for Allah on the back. Then they were sent into the open field to be slaughtered by other Islamic nuts who, T Shirtless, nonetheless felt that Allah was on their side and that he commanded them to shoot those children. They did.
Well, I am not going to join their ranks. Maybe if J Lo gave me a T Shirt with her picture...I might go on a J Lo suicide bombing. But that is the only case I see in which I will blow myself up for a cause. Like those crazy Islamic suicide bombers, I want you to know that my blowing myself up for J Lo is not a suicide bombing. Nope! I want to call it a "martyrdom operation" like those crazy terrorists do. That makes it seem more respectable and less crazy. Words do matter to suicide bombers because they misuse the to couch the fact that they are essentially common murderers with deep psychological problems.
Given the advances in technology I would not be surprised one day to see an Islamic suicide bomber blow up a person with an E mail suicide bomb . Yep! Maybe they will figure out a way (they are clever when designing ways to kill themselves and innocents) to activate a suicide bomb when you or I click on an E mail attachment. just thought of something. Men of the world better not open anymore of those Paris Hilton photo attachments. Paris is not worth dying for.
I am rambling on now and probably should be a target for a suicide bomber because of it. When propagandizing suicide bombers to kill themselves "for the a cause" those nutty Islamic preachers reassure them that it is good to do by telling them that as soon as they die they will ascend to heaven where "virgins will give you pleasure" Sigh..I am afraid that if I die in one of those suicide bombings the virgins will all look like Rosie O Donnel or Delta Burke. Probably, if J Lo showed up (Ok, she's not a virgin) she would be transformed into a bigger version (see below).
So I will avoid those suicide bombers, and hope and pray to Allah that my stupid E mail today won't motivate you to blow me up. I am sending this to both your addresses due to the attached picture below.

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