Saturday, June 27, 2009

Painting Chores

I was washing and painting some outside doors today. Sigh..the fellow that used to paint for me was an excellent painter and charged reasonable rates, but his home and business was completely destroyed in the Hurricane and he is now gone from the city. Because of the frequent rain, humidity and heat painted surfaces outdoors need constant attention in New Orleans. I may have to do major painting myself next year if I can not find a reliable painter. The ones working now are suspect. Carpentry, electrical, painting and home improvement labor is expensive now. Too, many of the people selling their services came here only to make money and are not as professional as the labor pool was prior to the storm.
I do not like doing "handy work" and don't do it well. My family was always a bookish one, few of us ever did work with our hands or any physical work for that matter. I think people who are good at such tasks grow up doing them and gain confidence in them. Of course, painting is not a skilled job, just a laborious one. But I am too lazy for too much of that too. I would rather pay a qualified person to do the job better than I will, though I think everyone is capable of painting well if the job is done with carefully and un rushed.
Maybe the women in Muslim countries are finally waking to the low status men give them there. Why do I think Muslim women may become more modern and demand better treatment from Muslim men? Well, an incident in Saudi Arabia is a reflection that the modern world may be coming to parts of Arabia.
It all involves a Saudi man and his two wives and the fact that he lost a bit of his nose in a joint assault by the wives after he jokingly threatened to marry a third woman. Judaie Ibn Salem had thought his threat would help resolve an argument over dividing up his house. "I swore that I would do it because ... they were impolite and that's when I came under an even bigger attack," Ibn Salem told Shams newspaper after having seven stitches inserted.
"I never realized they would get so worked up. But the only way to restore my dignity is really to take a third wife. "I don't know what I'm going to lose next if I do that." bad move..Judaei.. Even though Islamic law allows men to take up to four wives and polygamy is not unusual in Saudi Arabia, if Judaei tries to marry number three the other two may bite off another part of his body that would prevent him from getting frisky with wife number three...

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