Sunday, June 28, 2009

People Who Are Killing The United States

A TV journalist of renown here, Bernard Goldberg has written a book of interest to me, given I am American. But you might also find the ideas in it worth examination. It's entitled "100 People Who Are Screwing Up America". I have enjoyed the text, much of which I agree, though I think the title might be better as, "100 People Who Screwed Up America". In my view it may already be too late for the culture of this country to be revived. It has been dumbed down and degraded so much it now breathes on life support. The premise of the book is that the U.S has fallen mightily culturally, and no one seems to care. The author selects 100 of what he feels are the biggest offenders (No, George Bush isn't on the list, nor even Paris Hilton..though Paris' parents are number one hundred) and writes briefly on why he or she is helping to destroy our core values. In general, the lists of one hundred mainstream Americans puts each of the one hundred into one of the following categories:
* American bashers- These people blame American for all the world's ills. We are said to be "corrupt", "immoral" and "dishonorable". They say America never can be trusted to do the right thing, even though statistics show that America has been the most ardent supporter of just causes and freedoms. Michael Moore is one of those on the basher list, a guy who makes a living distorting reality through empty or misleading Hollywood documentary films that allegedly portray evil, here. The basher, for instance, endless discusses the disgrace of Abu Gharib prison, but never dares mention Muslim Extremist's murders and intolerance world wide. It's because, as the book reveals, they have made trashing America the norm. In short, any American mistake or misdeed is shocking, but the misdeeds of others are acceptable because "we made them do it"
* Hollywood Blowhards- I have ranted about these air head celebrities for years. The Angelina Jolie "save the children" crusades, the Matt Damon 'Global Warming is the world's greatest menace" myth, the "women are oppressed- gays are oppressed- blacks are oppressed- Hispanics are oppressed-the poor are oppressed" litany of supposed downtrodden causes Hollywood celebrities champion. These Hollywood stars tend to be the less thoughtful and reflective, less educated and more self absorbed of the film world. But they just can't stop uttering inanities, because the media just can't stop reporting their silly words. Of course, we are supposed to all know by now that they are wiser than we.
* TV Schlockmeisters- These are the TV producers and TV networks, the ones who air filth and mindlessness in the name of "sitcoms" or "drama". I am not the one who should write too much about American TV shows, other than to say I think they are the refuse of art, unfit for a working brain, boring and inaccurate portrayals of anything real in any culture. I gave up on most American TV years ago and think my mind is clearer for having done it. Besides, most of the shows just are not entertaining. Awful Hollywood films have begot awful TV shows, and both are a piece of what is destroying this culture (and yours, since these shows are seen almost everywhere in the world). Vulgarity, violence, empty value systems, stupidity and coarseness is the norm and when anyone says he or she is offended by the shows, the label applied to the protester is " intolerant". Why is it intolerant to protest this garbage? I know that I would not want Jane to watch most of what appears on TV sitcoms today. Fortunately, Jane has shown no interest in soaking her brain in the stupidity of those shows.
* News Schlock- This is the degradation of real news in favor of stories about celebrities or other fluff. News today is not about truth, it's about ratings and profits. Just watch CNN and see how much nonsense is portrayed as news. As a result, real news is buried. In fact, serious news is now equated to be of lesser value to that situation comedy or other TV series on the tube the viewer prefers.. Don't think I am right? Then ask yourself, who are the most famous journalists today? It's the ones who do those "exclusive celebrity interviews" and the like. News and entertainment are now blurred. Important events now have trouble being heard in depth or examined at all. Blame the TV executives for that. They control what you see as news.
* Rap music- I don't really consider Rap Music to be music. It's more like a vulgar verbal assaults on women and anyone else the thugs who utter it can label as the reason for their own ignorance and self degradation. Most rappers are black thugs, so one wonders how mainstream America seems to almost embrace them. It seems to me record producers would show pride and put profit behind decency, but they do not. Instead they insist that rap doesn't lead to bad behavior, even though violence and and bad behavior is inherent in the entire rap world. Of course any criticism of rap is answered with charges of "racism". I am amazed that the biggest targets of rap, women, seem to be among the largest worshippers of it. Society should ignore the rappers and let them wither and die as they would, for a society that endorses degrading itself is one that is doomed to be degraded.
* American jackals- Goldberg calls the litigious lawyers this. America has become a society of litigators, each person looking to sue the one with the most money, for any reason, as long as there is a financial payoff as the balance. Lawyers tell Americans, "You had an accident, someone must be at fault, not you, someone deserve a check." Greed and vulturism replace honor and respect. Thanks, lawyers.... Every person..... doctors, ministers, teacher, cub scout leaders, plumbers...everyone lives in fear of being sued, and behaves less kindly because of it.
* The alleged disadvantaged- The author says that 70% of the American people say they are a disadvantaged minority in the U.S- gays, blacks, Hispanics, Indians, females, fat people, dumb people, deaf, angry, peanut eaters, drug addicts.......ah it gets ridiculous and a complete list would be too long to write. All of these "mistreated' people will be happy if given special advantages and cold hard cash to soothe their wounds. By saying you are disadvantaged and need help you get affirmative action programs, grants, government jobs and elaborate contracts, special consideration for college admittance, and on and on.
These people have changed America from a melting pot where people rise to a higher level because of hard work and ability, to a land of special privileges and rewards for laziness. No, in case you are wondering, as far as I know I am not eligible for a "disadvantaged" classification. The book gives a few other categories, but I have written enough for you to comment on. Is this the way you see America now? Is our culture so damaged by these and other influences that we will soon fall. Is the election of a man of so little qualification and intellect as George Bush a reflection of the peril in which America finds itself imbedded? You tell me what you think?

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