Saturday, June 27, 2009

New National Anthem

I know the U.S is being over run by millions of Hispanic ( mostly Mexican) illegal immigrants, but the latest abomination is the release of a song call "Nuestro Himmo" which means 'Our Anthem" in Spanish. You see, Nuestro Himmo is basically a rewrite of the U.S. National Anthem (The Star Spangled Banner) into a "Spanish version".
It is all too much for many Americans (but not our politicians who fear criticism of anything Hispanic, in fear of losing vital Hispanic votes in their next election campaign). Let's see...first we have had about 30 million illegal immigrants (mostly illiterate peasants who have illegally come here to take advantage of the social welfare system lacking in Mexico) pour into the U.S the past 30 5 years or so. Then we had massive "protest marches" by the illegal immigrants in which they demanded "their rights as Americans", and now the American national Anthem will be sung for them in Spanish.
Isn't the point of immigrating to adjust to the new nation? Might it not be easier for those illegals to assimilate if they forgot Mexico and the other Hispanic countries from which they illegally immigrated, and instead tried to become Americans? Apparently not.
This group of immigrants is the first here that steadfastly rejects the notion that assimilation is the best policy when moving to anew culture. Instead, there seems to be an attempt to set up Hispanic communities within the American ones those immigrants have chosen to inhabit. I know in my own city of Kenner there are a number of areas where English is rarely heard, and where the (mostly illegal) immigrants refuse ot acknowledge any culture beyond their native one.
Why is that a problem? It's because by choosing to not assimilate they forfeit the opportunities the wider culture gives. And so, instead of the next generation advancing into prestigious and lucrative professions and community respect, the larger group of those gets mired in drugs, gangs and other impediments of the poor subgroup in which they chose to live.
Rejecting a nation's National Anthem for a "Spanish version' may seem only a little silly. But it reflects the idea that those immigrants will not assimilate fully, and they will suffer largely because of it. Further, the U.s is harmed by a large pool of new residents who neither ant to be a part of the whole, nor contribute anything to making the whole better.

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