Saturday, June 27, 2009

Crowing About Toilet paper

I hate the phony global warming theory that the media and celebrity seems to push on the world, void of any facts of course. But there are times I am thankful to hear global warming talk. This is because it can be so silly and devoid of truth that it amuses. Take the recent case of Sheryl Crowe, the singer turned global warming zealot, has a great new idea for ending global warming.
Hehe I am not kidding. Sheryl wants people to be restricted to one square of toilet paper when they use the toilet (she later claimed this was a joke after the reaction to her idea was revealed, but it was one of her "serious ideas"). Not one square the size of the dirty butt user’s choice, but one individual little square consisting of how a roll is sectioned. That is not enough toilet paper to blow one’s nose much less clean up after pooing.
Ugh! I wonder if Crowe currently uses this method. In one of her songs she says she has "diddly squat". Perhaps if she used toilet paper mor she would squat's a though. I suppose those close to her would be able to tell us if Sheryl uses more than one square of toilet paper per sitting. . And you know what? I will be happy to do without one whole roll of toilet paper so long as we can shove it in Sheryl Crowe’s mouth to keep her quiet. Sigh..those global warmers are "a mess"
Some Quick Facts for Sheryl's worries about CO2 gasses...
-Carbon Dioxide (CO2) is not a pollutant, but a naturally occurring atmospheric substance.
- CO2 makes up .054% of the atmosphere.
-Volcanoes produce far more CO2 than humans.
-Animals produce more CO2 than volcanoes.
-Decaying vegetation produces more CO2 than animals (remember Gore’s explanation for why the red line is so squiggly?; He left out half the explanation.)
-The OCEANS produce more CO2 than vegetation, animals, volcanoes, and the puny, insignificant amount of CO2 humans produce.
I don't know about you, but I will wipe and not feel guilty about it. In fact I may use a whole roll tomorrow!!!!! Maybe Sheryl should just sing, get some pants with the slits in the butt so she need not wipe as much, and stop saving the planet from evil toilet paper.
I was no

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