Sunday, June 28, 2009

Naughty Nursing Home Photos

Those Iowa nursing homes must be wild and crazy places theses days. Did you hear about the Greenwood, Iowa nuddie nursing home photos? Well, believe it or not, someone used society's worst invention, a cell phone, to take cell phone camera pictures of four of the residents in a state of undress. The pictures have been circulated at the home and there is now an uproar and a great deal of curiosity about why anyone would want to look at photos of an 80 year old naked woman.
Hmmmmmmm I don't even like looking at myself in the mirror when nude and about to take a shower. I think that when I am eighty and shower I should close my eyes and not look. Wait! It might be an honor of sort to be a nude model for a nursing home. I used to visit my late aunt every weekend at a local nursing home many years ago before her ultimate death. I did see weird sights, but never naked residents. I remember one woman who used to ask everyone in the home to give her a cigarette, the fellow who wore a motorcycle helmet 24 hours a day, the man who thought he was Napoleon Bonaparte, and how the old ladies used to mob me and fight among themselves because all of them claimed that I was their son.
Oh, my...Why would anyone want to have me as her son? Maybe because I chatted with them and made them laugh. You want to adopt me as your son? Never mind...bad idea. But I never saw naked residents in that nursing home and am thankful I didn't have to look at my future by seeing that.
Anyway, weird thoughts about my future nude model career aside, I think one good thing has come out of this incident. The nursing home has banned all cell phones from its premises. Maybe a cell phone hater like me took those pictures in an attempt to cause such a furor that those phones banned would be banned. If not I wonder who the photographer is. Maybe it is a senile resident going through a period of irrationality, or a perverse man or woman who likes ot look at wrinkles.
Another question is why I am wasting your time with a stupid E blog about this stupid subject? Well, just be grateful I don't have a camera on hand and this is a text message!

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