Sunday, June 28, 2009

The Costs Of Having Open Borders

I had a nice burrito yesterday from one of the many "Roach Coach" food wagons parked around the New Orleans area. They are mostly from Texas and run by Mexicans who are providing the millions of illegals here with the food they most like to eat. It's a very profitable operation for the sellers and nice for the buyers to be able to eat their home food. I and most others I know of have found that the food from those wagons is tasty. The health department of the sate where the wagon operates does require and issue licenses and have random sanitation checks of the wagons. I like the one near my house, as it is clean and the food is good and different from the normal Americanized Tex Mex fast food that I do not like to eat.
There is quite a controversy here in New Orleans about the trucks, given the huge number of them and the even larger number of illegal immigrants from Central America that seem to have settled into an illegal permanency here. Some non Mexican businesses that sell food complain that the truck wagons operate to the detriment of their own business, don't collect taxes as other food sellers do and are not clean. But I think that is merely sour grapes and fear because the roach coach people are taking away customers from fast food sellers here.
The underlying reasons why business and some locals want the roach coaches gone is the fact that they service so many illegal immigrants. Since the Bush administration and Congress do not enforce laws that are designed to make sure illegals do not enter and stay in the U.S., people target the symbol of that invasion by illegals, a food seller that caters to them. I am in agreement that illegal immigrants should be deported on the spot and employers who hire them (that's what brings them here) should be fined and jailed. But attacking the owners and operators of a food service business seems unfair to me.
I decided today to check some facts about the negative effects of this invasion from Mexico and other parts of Central America by mostly uneducated peasants, to see what the actual cost they are to the U.S. taxpayers and to our way of life. I googled to see what they are doing to the state with the most illegals- California.
I found that analysis of the latest Census data indicates that California's illegal immigrant population is costing that state's taxpayers more than $10.5 billion per year for education, medical care and incarceration of criminals. Even if the estimated tax contributions of illegal immigrant workers are subtracted, net outlays still amount to nearly $9 billion per year. The annual burden from those three areas of state expenditures amounts to about $1,183 per household headed by a native-born resident. It's a pretty convincing case for kicking out illegals and stopping them from coming in the first place. In most cases illegal immigrants are not the educated, skilled people a nation wants to immigrate. Instead, they tend to be desperate people who are failing in their home country, with many criminals, gang members and social misfits in disproportionate numbers.
Here is a more specific explanation of the costs to California citizens as given by the site I accessed:
* Education. Based on estimates of the illegal immigrant population in California and documented costs of K-12 schooling, Californians spend approximately $7.7 billion annually on education for illegal immigrant children and for their U.S.-born siblings. Nearly 15 percent of the K-12 public school students in California are children of illegal aliens.
* Health care. Uncompensated medical outlays for health care provided to the state's illegal alien population amount to about $1.4 billion a year.
* Incarceration. The cost of incarcerating illegal aliens in California's prisons and jails amounts to about $1.4 billion a year (not including related law enforcement and judicial expenditures or the monetary costs of the crimes that led to their incarceration). The total costs of illegal immigration into California do not end with these three major areas. The cost of illegal immigration to the state's taxpayers would be considerably higher if other cost areas such as special English instruction, school feeding programs, or welfare benefits for American workers displaced by illegal alien workers were added into the equation. And remember, every state in the U.S has a similar problem with illegal immigration..and that this is just the financial burden. I would rant too much if I wrote about the social problems those illegals have caused for this country.
At any rate, be grateful you live in a country that has real laws about who can enter it, and that excludes people that are not suited to be productive citizens after admitted. We have no such policy in the U.S. Politicians here are afraid of "losing the Hispanic vote" and unwilling to regulate who comes into the U.S. In my view the damage by illegal immigrates to the U.S. is the single biggest explanation for the decline of this country in recent years. It's not an exaggeration to say that I wonder if the U.S can survive if the invasion continues.
Better pull up those pants you are wearing. At least here in my state that is the trend, because in the Cajun town of Delcambre, Louisiana (about an hour from New Orleans) Mayor Carol Broussard says he will sign into law a proposal to make wearing saggy trousers an act of "indecent exposure". Delcambre town council unanimously passed the ordinance earlier this week making it a crime to wear trousers that show underwear. "If you expose your private parts, you'll get a fine" of US$500 (£254) Carol said. Offenders will also risk up to six months in jail. Carol doesn't like looking at cracks , is mad and will do something about it! Speaking of people who wear sagging trousers, Carol told the Associated Press news agency: "They're better off taking the pants off and just wearing a dress." Town attorney Ted Ayo said the ordinance expands on the existing state indecent exposure law by adding underwear to the list of forbidden exposures. "This is a new ordinance that deals specifically with sagging pants," Ayo said. "It's about showing off your underwear in public."
Well, no offense, Carol, the way I see it is if you got something to show besides your crack, go for it.

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